Nicco Park

Nicco Park is one of the best amusement parts in India. The park is situated in the Salk Lake city of Kolkata. The park was especially created as the major attraction of the tourists and this is the best place for family recreation. The park is also meant for educative entertainment. This park was opened on 13th of October in the year 1991. From the time the place is known as the Disneyland of West Bengal. This is the 40 acre park and this is the home to more than 35 various attractions and the place has been serving more than 24 million customers. The park provides you with the green environment and you would love to be amongst the ambiance.

The Concept of the Park

The concept of the Nicco Park started in the 300th year anniversary of the recorded founding of the city of Kolkata. The place was planned under the way of the tercentennial celebrations by the then ruling state government. Rajiv Kaul was the chairman of the Nicco group then and at the time he was on a holiday to Disneyland in USA. Inspired by the US Disneyland the chairperson wanted to create the same in Kolkata. He arranged for a team of professionals and they took the initiative to create the recreational part of perfect importance.

The Theme of Educational Recreation at Nicco Park

At the park you are sure to have the sort of educational recreation. This park is just not made for fun. While visiting the area you are expected to learn and recreate. The grounds of the park have been designed to provide the perfect education to the visitors and especially to the kids. The ground of the park is being dotted with all things special and all the rides come with the perfect scientific explanations. There is also the concept of Solar Energy Village inside the park and this has been constructed for the demonstration of the functions of all the non conventional energy sources in the life of the community. There is the maintenance of the green theme and this is done by the setting up of the greenhouse which is being supervised by the Indo American Hybrid Seeds Ltd. The same is known to sell plants of all kinds.

The Rides and the Attractions at the Place

You have more than 35 rides at Nicco Park. The rides include the Toy Train, Tilt-a-Whirl, Magic Carpet, Paddle Boat, Water Chute, Water Coaster, Flying Saucer, Pirate Ship, River Caves, Cyclone and Moonraker and the Giant Cyclone. The Giant Cyclone was added in the year 2003 and this is the massive ride in the whole of Asia. The length of the ride is 750 metres and it comes with all the seven drops and the height of the same is of 55 feet. You have the best attractions at the park and these are cable cars and Eiffel Tower. You can see all the attractions from the height of the tower. Among the natural attractions there is the rose garden and you would love the sight of the forty feet high water fall.

At Nicco Park you can have a look at the decommissioned MIG-21 fighter aircraft. This comes from the Bagdogra Airbase and it is being best displayed at the Nicco Park. This serves as the attraction with all the educational value. The aircraft has been a gift from the Eastern Air Command in the year 2008.

Inside the Nicco Park you can sit and enjoy at the large food park and here all Bengali, South Indian and North Indian dishes are sold. At the place you also get to enjoy Chinese food variety. There are the kiosks and these are supervised by the selective restaurants of Kolkata. To buy the accessories one can visit Sheroo Bazar and Souvenir Shop Wet-O-Wild.

There is even the underground expansion in Nicco Park. A water park has been created within the premise and this is known as Wet-O-Wild. You can join the rain dance performances at the place. Inside the park there is the 4D movie theatre. You can even be at the bowling alley where there is the bar and the restaurant. This serves as the venue for all the corporate events and personal functions.

The Receptions

The Nicco Park has received the perfect acclamation from the Government and the local public. The companies investing in the rides and attractions are ITC Limited, TISCO, Britannia Industries, Bata, Nestle, Smith Kline Beecham, Union Carbide, Dunlop, ANZ Grindlays, Duncans, Goodricke and even Cadburys.

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