Mother House

The Missionaries of Charity was established by Mother Teresa in 1950. It came to be known as Mother House after the passing away of Mother Teresa in 1997 whose sacred tomb was laid to rest here. The house of Mother Teresa has now become a revered pilgrimage site. One can know about the life and services of Mother Teresa and her contribution to humanity by visiting this place.

The Mother House better known as the Missionaries of Charity’s Mother House is an establishment belonging to the section of the holy pilgrimage. In case you want to know about your true existence you can be at the house and learn the secret of divine existence. The house was established by the dedicated efforts Blessed Mother Teresa in the year 1950. The purpose of the establishment was to give the kind of selfless service to the entire mankind and also to cause an upliftment of the plagued humanity so that people can move towards the path of salvation so easily. After Mother Teresa left for the heavenly abode in the year 1997 she was made to rest in the tomb which is there inside the house.

The Mother’s Tomb

Mother would be pleased to stay with her soul at the place where she lived and served for so many years. The sight of the tomb is so simple and yet so perfectly peaceful. You can feel the vibration of peace and gratitude at the place. You can sit before the tomb and spend time in complete meditation. This way you can pay the perfect homage to the heavenly soul of mother and the tranquillity that you feel is evidently pore and pristine.

The House and the Museum

As part of the main building you will get to see the museum. The museum is an epitome of the spirit and message and here you will get to see the sandals work by Mother. The dinner bowl in which she ate is kept at the place and along with the same you will find the display of the artefacts like the saree she used to wear, the rosary, the crucifix, the handwritten letters and the spiritual exhortations. The room of the Mother is preserved with all simplicity and a crown of thorns is kept over the modest camp bed.

If you want your earnest desires to get fulfilled then you can write the same in a piece of paper and place it over the tomb. The petitions are offered to Mother on the occasion of Friday Mass.

The Location of the House

The Mother’s House or the Missionaries of Charity is located at Ripon Street. The nearest landmark is the convent institution of Sealdah Loreto.

The Founding of the House

The founding date of Missionaries of Charity is 7th October 1950. A group was formed and it was headed by Mother Teresa. The group comprised of all the dedicated pupils of Mother. They blindly believed in what she said. The mission of the group was to suffice for the hungry and the naked. They wanted to support the homeless and the crippled. They stood behind the blinds and the people suffering from leprosy. The people at Mother’s House cared for the unloved, the unwanted and the uncared. If you become a burden for the society Mother is there to take care of you.

The Direct Inspiration from Mother

After Mother received the permission of the Vatican she became interested in establishing her personal order. This is when Mother Teresa established the institute and this was initially known as the Diocesan Congregation of the Calcutta Diocese. The effort began in the form of a small community and it included 12 members from the whole of Calcutta. This institution in the later days came to be known as Missionaries of Charity. The mission and message of Mother reached in all parts of the world. She is not just a divine entity; she is the inspiration for the entire mankind. Mother is all the more worshipped and addressed for her kind words and deeds.

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