Marble Palace

Marble Palace was built in 1835 by Raja Rajendra Mullick Bahadur. The Marble Palace is an architectural grandeur. Being an art connoisseur, the Raja incorporated a classic mix of European and Hindu traditional form of design in building this palace. The interiors and exteriors are exquisitely made of pure marble. Striking features are the magnificent marble statues decking the sprawling palace garden area, a small colorful menagerie and a beautiful Jagannath Temple.

Marble Palace is named after Lord Minto and it had its construction in the 19th century as a mansion in Northern Kolkata. The palace is located at the destination of 46, Muktaram Babu Street, Chorbagan. In fact, the palace is built in the way to represent the grandeur of 19th century Kolkata. Of you want to visit the place you have to collect the permit in hand and this will be given by West Bengal Tourism Information Bureau at BBD Bag, Kolkata. You have to pay an entrée fee if you want to enter the palace, the guide will ask for bakshish (tips) if he is the man to take you inside. The Palace remains open from 10 am in the morning till 4 pm in the evening.

The Palace Well Explained

The Palace is mainly known and adorned for the floors and the wall panels and this are made from the assortment of Italian marbles. These are transported materials and the Palace is the best construction by Raja Rajendra Mullick and till now the descendants of the Raja are living in the Palace. The Raja was the best business man of that time and he was being adopted by Nilmoni Mullick. As part of the Marble Palace you can see the Jagannath Temple and you can even have a look at the age old deity.

The Declining Beauty of the Palace

The façade of the house is all along white and the fading colour will tell you regarding the declining opulence of the family living at the place. You will admire the stately structure of the Marble Palace and at the enormous ground you can simply see the several marble statues and along the pond there is the wonderfully crafted fountain made of stone. You see the presence of mermen and mermaids and they look so elegant in the surrounding.

The Palace Description

There is the zoo at the Marble Palace and one can even visit the miniature rock garden. You find statues of animals in different postures in various parts of the garden. There is even the statue of Gautama Buddha and you will find the presence of other Gods from the Hindu religion. There is even Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ standing as part of the premise. Christopher Columbus too is standing within the garden. You can even notice the petite statue of Raja Rajendra  Mullick. He stands with the mark of elegance and as the protector of this divine Palace.

Things to See at the Palace

You have sitting provisions inside the premise of the Marble Palace. You can even sit at the impressive marble tabletops. They are exquisite to use and look at. You have birds of different species visiting the premise. The birds like hornbills, toucans and pelicans are kept within a small enclosure along with other animals like deer. In fact, it is just like a miniature zoo within the Palace area. There is the side entrance for you to enter the Palace and this will take you straight to the billiard room. The inside of the Marble Palace looks like an antique shop and you find the best of things kept within the premise. In fact, you should be glad to visit the place and admire the pristine elegance.

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